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tv   Martin Bashir  MSNBC  April 2, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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ambulance not needed? the world waits for answers. fresh developments. nbc news confirms that fib agents have arrived on the scene at the gated community in sanford, florida. to interview potential witnesses to the shooting and killing of the unarmed teenager, trayvon martin. and while we're still a week away from when prosecutors are expected to go to the grand jury, with new information fueling outrage that the team's shooter has yet to be arrested. and once again, this weekend, grief and anger erupted on the streets of sanford, florida. driving thousands to march in trayvon's name. denouncing his killer, george zimmerman, who is claiming self-defense under florida's stand your ground law. but it is exactly those claims that are coming under further
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scrutiny day by day. in apparent new developments, recording of fire dispatch operators recorded in the daily news show that an ambulance being sent to the scene to treat zimmerman was canceled. with the martin family spokesman saying there's no way the ambulance would be canceled if zimmerman had just endured a life or death beating at the hands of martin as the story claims. additionally, two audio experts say screams for help recorded on 911 tapes are not those of zimmerman.ç >> so you think he is yelling help? >> yes. >> all right. what is your -- >> zimmerman has told police and his family have said that it is him calling for help. indeed, it is one of their strongest points of defense. his brother going so far as to say he knows that voice because it sounds like his own. but voice analysts working for the orlando sentinel say the
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screams do not match recordings of zimmerman's voice. with no recordings of trayvon martin's voice, that we know of, the expert say they cannot exactly determine with certainty who was screaming. but trayvon's parents insist that these were their sons' last words, recorded on tape. today, they're expect to send a formal letter to the justice department calling for an investigation into the prosecutor who overruled a request to charge zimmerman with manslaughter. martin's mother said she is hopeful justice and god will be to their side. >> i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that god is in control. that's what keeps me moving every day. that is keeping me moving forward. for me to understand what i really have to do, i'm doing this for god. i'm doing this for trayvon. so it makes me press forward to know we have to get justice for
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my son so his death is not in vain. >> and i'm join by joe-ann reid just back fromç sanford, as we as the analyst. how significant in your view is this analysis of the tape and the news that a second ambulance was somehow not required for a man who allegedly had had his head smashed into the concrete and had suffered a broken nose? >> i think both are critical. george zimmerman's defense, at least as being put forward by his surrogates, his brother, father, friends, it hinges on this idea that he was receiving a life or death beating from trayvon martin. and had he not shot trayvon, that trayvon martin would have gotten his gun or beaten him to death. the physical evidence doesn't seem to support that. the one thing they hang their hat on, that he told the initial officer, he cried for help and
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no one came. if the voice only recording is his, that corroborates his side of the story. if it isn't, that's a problem. because we also have another witness on another network who said they believe the man on top was the bigger man and may have been the hispanic man who would be george zimmerman who walked away from the shooting. >> right. professor, you've heard the suggestion that this is no longer a pursuit for truth and justice but somehow, a battle between two television networks. you've heard my colleague the reverend al sharpton of go whipping up racial -- >> the same claims were made against dr. king. everywhere he went to spread the light against injustice, people claimedç he was an interloner. they said white and blacks get along. so he is facing the classic denial of the responsibility of local officials and local
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communities for the hateful expressions of anti-black racism that exists in this country, and that circulate pretty broadly within the justice system as well. >> speaking to your point, race is a key factor here. in the new york times on sunday ran a study showing latinos actually report higher negative feelings toward blacks than most native born whites. nearly 60% saying few or almost no blacks are hard working and can be trusted, while only 10% of whites held that view. now are those racial tensions in fact being underestimated in this case, given the ethnicity of mr. zimmerman? >> absolutely. it was ludicrous in the beginning for people to dismiss the possible of racism because mr. zimmerman had latino blood or hispanic. the study you've shown sus people who come from outside this country who don't have much experience with african-american people have the same hateful
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stereo types that prevail not only in america but around the globe. they're being exported daily. so as a result of that, they come to this country with the set of assumptions about black people rooted deeply in their mind. what you didn't say in that study, of course, is that african-american people ascribe latinos the same hard work ethic that they have themselves. there is an assumption or a presumption on the part of black people that latinos are hard to do the right thing whereas latinos come in, many, with naeg i have the sveum, havhíg internalized the stereo times around the globe about what black people are likely to do. it does create a serious set of tensions that you see flaring up. >> joe-ann, you interviewed sydrina, trayvon's mother. you were telling me that she had only just been in church. she was heart broken by the service. do you know what her response is specifically to the idea that the man who she believes shot her son and killed him unnecessarily is simply walking
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free? >> well, what she essentially said, and they're a very religious family. that's one of the things that came away from this. we were at antioch missionary baptist church. she was at palm sunday service. it was dedicated to their family. we did the interview shortly there after. what she essentially said when i asked her, what would you say to zimmerman's family, was that if this happened to anyone's child, their son, they would be doing what she's doing. she felt that it was the right thing to do as a christian woman in a way, as well as as a mom. because she believes that god is in control, as she said. in the end, they seemed very hopeful, she and her family, that because they have this faith. in their faith they believe they will get justice for their son. >> i was rereading your book over the weekend. is bill cosby right. and i was reading about whether there are personal examples of
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failings of individual african-americans or systemic structural problems. has the quote from your book. you say about bill cosby,ç his discounting of structural forces and his exclusive focus on personal responsibility and black self-help ignore the persist techbs institutional raci racism. is this case not an example of where institutional racism appears to be emerging within the criminal justice system that is supposed to serve and protect young people? >> without question. i think it is a very powerful point that you're making. it is an institutional problem. it is not individuals. it is not whether or not trayvon was wearing a hoodie or not. it is not whether he could be seen as a person who is suspicious. the institution has been warped by the stereo type of black people, a study from duke university suggested white people much more than black people do drugs.
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when you look at the relationship between stereo types on the one hand and perceptions, and the likelihood that black people will be racially profiled and targeted, the institutional character of the racism is what's a problem here. not individuals not liking black people. it is the institutional force of the incarceration system, of the prison industrial complex that continues to provide a barrier for justice for so many millions of african-american people. >> professor, thank you both for your insight and your work on this story. thank you. we have some news. police are responding to a multiple shooting. perhaps as many as five victims at a christian university in east oakland, california. authorities have established the perimeter around the university. news footage showed wounded the oakland police describe the suspect as an asian male with heavy build who is possibly armed. next, the race for 2012
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mitt romney's quest for the irish throne is going smoothly. well, smoothly for mr. romney. polls have him comfortably ahead. and endorsements would indicate conservatives have finally reconcile themselves to the inevitability of his nomination. indeed, things are going so well
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the campaign decided to have a little fun at mr. romney's expense on april fool's day. >> the next president of the united states! >> these guys! >> a very funny gag. it almost looks like mitt has very little support among conservatives, independents, women and minorities. oh, wait, that's exactly true. national polls show romney behind the president. not just overall but in 12 key swing states. and then there's the republicans' ongoing problem with female voters. the president is winning that 54% to just 36. mitt fired a coy reference to his father george is even losing the mad men vote. >> tell jim he is not going to
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michigan. because romney is a clown and i don't want him standing next to him. >> romney? a clown? he does like cars. joining us now, a political commentator and daughter of jon huntsman. political analyst and a writer on the hill, hello to boeft you. santorum and romney both spent time talk b this so-called war on women. the government mandate is quote, the most important and central issue in this race. i mean, how politically tone deaf can these people be? >> well, pretty tone deaf. with romney, i think part of the problem, remember when we were about some of these war on women issues, we were about rush limbaugh going after sandra, romney was silent and sometimes silence can be just as damaging as what you actually say.
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women hear him coming to the defense having a granddaughter and daughters-in-law. that was a real opportunity for him. we've heard him talk about doing away with planned parenthood. obviously something the president decided to go after this weekend. very wisely. and then again with rick santorum, time after time after time, even despite putting his wife on the campaign trail, he seems very disconnected from the issues that women care about. >> indeed. this weekend, an audience member teamed up a very softball question. among other things on the war on women. here is how romney responded. listen to this. >> i wish ann were here, my wife were here for a lot of reasons i wish she were here. i wish she were here to answer that question in particular. she says that she's going across the country and talking with women. and what they're about is the debt that we're leaving the next generation. >> he wishes his wife would answer the questions. your response to that? >> i think that's the right strategy. we've seen he's taken a big dip
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among women. and there's a lot to blame for that. this long drawn-out primary has been very harmful. >> he is the candidate. not his wife. >> we've already seen that he is not able to really connect. moving forward, the question is what does dough to connect? we've seen the women were a huge part of 2008 themselves came out in bigger numbers than men. i think he is getting a taste of the general election with these numbers to say look, i have a problem with women. i have to get moving with this. what does i do? reintroduce himself to the american people. he needs to bring ann out as much as he possibly can. he is not able to connect and that's an issue. >> indeed. ann romney was specifically asked this morning on a radio interview about her husband's, and i quote, stiffness as a candidate. here is her response. >> sometimes he appears stiff. do you have to fight back -- like my husband isn't stiff, okay? >> well, you know, i guess we'd
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better unzip him and let the real romney out. he is not. >> karen, i couldn't get in some difficult physical we focus too much. >> i'm not going there. >> unzipping the stiffness of romney. you have to help me. >> wasn't she the one who talked about the tip? look. i'm going to be serious for a second. ann romney is absolutely a huge asset for her husband. what i found interesting about that exchange that you just played, essentially, romney was saying, i wish my wife was here to be able to connect with what you're saying. because it is certainly not something i can talk about. yet again over the weekend, when you hear president obama talk, he is able to talk to women. he is able to say those things. he doesn't need michelle to have to say those things. he speaks to women credible, rational human beings. not like irrational barely able
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to make up their mind or know when they've been raped time and time again, the language coming from the right on this war on women. and that is really the connect. the other thing i found interesting in that, sure she is talking about the debt, about the economy. if you noticed in that usa today poll, the debt is not the top topics. it is health and the economy. those are key issues. we want to talk about a broad range of issues. not just birth control and contraception and access to abortion. we also want to talk about the economy and medicare and we care, and the environment. >> i want to add to that. it has been really harmful that he has had to go so far to the right with these social issues which i don't think he was wanting to do. >> why he didn't make it very long, obviously. but i think the longer that he has to drag out this primary, the more harmful it is to him. you will see the narrative start to change and i think that gap will start to change.
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>> but he has had plenty of time to wrap this one up, hasn't he? >> here's the problem. one of the other things in this, i don't know that's the case. if you look at the poll, for example, one of the most interesting questions was granted women were paying attention, the majority of women are paying attention to this conversation about birth control and contraception but a large number said they really don't even know what his position is. about 46% said they didn't know where obama stood. that tell me if i'm a the contract, i have a huge opportunity. women don't even know where he stands. they are already going for obama 19 appointments. once i start -- hold on. once he start to tell them he wants to do away with funding for plant planned parenthood. >> we're not even in the general election yes. i think when you see romney come to the middle a little bit. i think he needs to reintroduce himself. i'll keep saying that.
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if he can focus on just the economy. i'm the economy man. and he can come one a message that appeals to people. not trying to connect. focus on a message. >> do you think when he was at the restaurant over the weekend, he paid for his butter burg we are his platinum american express card? >> see, i don't think any of this helps will. >> it doesn't help? >> that won't be the focus of the general. it will be the economy. it will be can he come one a narrative that people can connect to. >> very quickly. >> in addition to that, he has to stop making those kinds of gaffes. that's what we're about. inhe had stead of any other message he wants you can to a about. >> pass problem as well. the gaffes do not help. we have to get better with that as well. >> any way, thank you both. stay with us. >> i think governor romney is a little out of touch. i can't remember a presidential candidate in the recent past who seems not to understand by what
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you're now at an oakland police twitter account which reads possible suspect in custody. no imminent safety threat appears to exist in immediate area. this is after police in oakland, california, confirmed moments bag more than one person is dead in a multiple shooting at a christian college there. now oakland police as i said in a tweet indicate the possible suspect is in custody and there is no immediate threat. at least five people were reportedly shot at oikos university where police have established a perimeter as the workers respond to workers. we'll continue to watch this story as it develops. stay with us.
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>> i wish ann were here, my wife were here for a lot of reasons i wish she were here. i wish she were here to answer that question in particular. she said that she's going across the country and talking with women, and what they're talking about is the debt. [ male announcer ] it's surprising what your mouth goes through in a day. but what's even more surprising is that brushing alone isn't enough to keep it clean. fortunately, you've got listerine. unlike brushing which misses 75% of your mouth, listerine cleans virtually your entire mouth. so what are you waiting for? it's time to take your mouth to a whole new level of health. listerine... power to your mouth. also try listerine zero, for the clean feel of listerine with a less intense taste.
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do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years...
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years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. beer, bowling, and cheese. here are the top lines. don't badger me. >> do you know what i call that? cheese head domination. >> it's pronounced -- it is the good land. >> wisconsinites. is that what you call yourself here? the constitution including the amendments. first, second, third, all the way through tenth and beyond. some would argue that paul ryan
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should be the vp. >> i think i would take george herbert walker bush. >> we're in the final phases of this nomination. >> he's out of ideas, out of excuses and frankly in 2012 it's our job to make sure he is out of office. >> you will remind the world why it is that the university of america is the greatest nation on earth. >> this is not your father's republican party. they're not talking about compassionate conservatives. governor romney is a pretty flexible guy. >> tell him he is not going to michigan. because romney is a clown and i don't want him standing next to him. >> yesterday the vice president who is the gift that keep on giving. >> this has gotten the attention of the entire country. >> doing some bowling, good malted beverages, having our share of cheese curds. >> its like sarah you're 18 points down at halftime. give it up, it's over. i'm not about this anymore.
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>> the next president of the united states. >> they turned me into the april fool this morning. and mitt romney, the next president of the united states. this is going to look really bad on the evening news. >> he has the tradition of bean ballation to touch my funny bone. >> i believe president obama will be reelected. there was no etch a sketch issue. >> let's get right to our panel now. krystal ball is a democratic strategist. michael, an nbc analyst and a new face to the show. the former communications adviser to president obama. apparently senior vp with vox global communications. santorum is trying to convince us that it is only halftime in america. and he has some brilliant strategy to win the nomination. then he comes out and says the government mandate is the most important issue. does this basically reveal that this is a man in the death
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throes of his campaign? >> i think so. and i think more than that, his statements revealing that it is in the death throes. if you're at the trajectory of the race, it all adds up. wisconsin was kind of his last chance to take a stand. wisconsin really is the sort of must-win, if you can't get wisconsin, there is no credible path. >> he just pushes. >> right. then it will be texas or whatever is down the road. if you look at what's left, new york and california. two very large states that favor governor romney are both left. california is a winner take all state. those are a devastating set of facts so i think it is very tough for santorum going forward. >> he compared himself to the president in a positive way. he said four years ago, the gop got its nominee quickly while the democrats spent a long time debating who was the correct candidate. basically that republicans should act like democrats did in
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2008. should we all pitch in for a teleprompter for him? >> i think michael steele would be better to talk about that since he was the one who basically changed the rules for the republicans and didn't give their candidate any real cover this cycle as far as how the process would go. this campaign is entering what is called the zo. by phase for two of the three candidates left. gingrich entered the zombie stage a couple weeks ago after the southern primaries. you basically are the walking dead at that point. he is still walking around as a candidate but hasn't fallen down and hasn't figured it out. santorum is about to enter that same zombie phase right now. he is not going to win his backyard. the odds are now, he won't do well in wisconsin tomorrow. and if he doesn't win in pennsylvania, then there really is no basis for his candidacy at that point and he will be out. so two zombie candidates and you'll be left with mitt romney, the guy that nobody wants. >> i have to give you the
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opportunity to respond to that slight dig at you you're to blame for this drawn out violent republican nomination race. your response? >> the only thing we did was extend the time he got to play. >> that's what i thought. and how you play the game has nothing to do with the time on the clock. it is all about how you organize and how you put your best foot forward as a candidate for the presidency. the reality of it is for santorum. he needed michigan. he needed ohio to set up wisconsin. and that didn't happen. the same is true for newt. he needed to have more than a georgia win to set up the kind of momentum that he needs right now. >> you got that wrong. newt has enjoyed selling books, children's books about an elephant and it has been useful. i want to play you a clip a few moments ago. mitt romney taking questions at a campaign event. listen to this. >> in the mormon booker it says there was a blackness upon all the children -- >> i'm sorry.
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we won't have a discussion about religion. >> can i ask you how it is that people are allowed to impugn the president's religion. when mitt romney faces a polite question on the contents of his faith, he refuses to answer. >> it is a double standard. and one thing that will be really interesting to see down the road is there is no question that mitt romney is going to have that same moment that john mccain had where someone stands up at his rally and something that is patently false and offensive about the president. how is he going to respond in that circumstance? will he as john mccain did, courageously call that person out and say that's not acce acceptable, or is he going to -- >> michael, what would you say to that? what krystal says. there appears to be some double standard. no one is allowed to question mitt romney on the contents of his beliefs. yet the president must be subjected to endless silence when his own personal faith is
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slurred. >> i think the idea that somehow now that there is a double standard is a little bit true, yeah, but the double standard goes back to 2008 when no one really wanted to have those kinds of questions about barack obama and his faith tradition. the reality of it is -- >> sorry, michael, sorry, i have to intervene. i remember endless discussions about the reverend jeremiah wright. >> endless discussions but no answers. excuse me, excuse me. you're having a discussion is asking questions. right? but the candidate needs to respond. and there was no response from the other side. so mitt romney is taking the same play book. the same page out of play book. the fact of the matter, romney has had this debate. he gave a major speech on his faith in his campaign. >> that's not true. >> you don't remember that? where were you in 2008? >> the president did talk about
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the issue of his faith repeatedly. >> so did romney. the fact that he doesn't want to talk about it now. >> no. no to be fair, you just suggested that what romney did today was consistent with what happened to the president. >> absolutely. >> that's not true. >> i don't know the campaign that you were in. i know the one i was in and that was a fact. and i understand that the reason to rewrite the history with respect to obama and what happened and didn't happen. you but the fact of the matter remains that mitt romney has addressed the issue of his faithful he continues to address the issue of his faith. the fact that in this particular instance, he doesn't want to is not a big deal. >> but michael, i want to ask you, too, you just said the campaign, president obama's campaign never responded to the questions about his faith. >> i said the president himself. a difference between the campaign responding. >> what do you mean by that? what sort of response are you for? he is a devout christian. i don't think that's in doubt. i think he's been pretty clear about that. what kind of response are you talking about?
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>> during the whole revolution of the reverend wright discussion about his faith tradition. what he was -- hit nothing to do with being a muslim and all of that. >> and through a speech that was very high profile. >> we will have to disagree with you, michael. >> i would expect nothing less. >> that's not fair. thank you very much. next, the white house gets down to some business. stay with us. >> first of all, i believe president obama will be reelected because people will perceive that the economy is getting better and that we are generally going in the right direction. keep in mind, the 2010 electorate is not the 2012 electorate. more people will vote in 2012 and a more diverse america will show up at the polls. and people who have had two years of the tea party congress and the polls show they didn't like it very much. [ male announcer ] this is lois. the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills.
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we're following some news. a possible suspect is in custody in what police are describing as a fatal multiple shooting at the christian college oikos university in oakland, california. that announcement came in a tweet by the police department that also indicated no immediate threat. an asian male with a heavy build. it is at this time unclear what his motive may have been and of course, we'll continue to watch this story for developments. now we turn to the president who today welcomed mexican president felipe calderon and canadian prime minister stephen harper to the white house for trade and energy. the three leaders spoke to reporters a short time ago in the rose garden. and the president was immediately asked to comment on the supreme court's upcoming decision on his signature health care reform. >> i'm confident the supreme
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court will not take what would be an unprecedented extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected congress. >> christen welker was there and she joins us from the white house. is that what the president has to say or behind the scenes, is this white house truly confident that the court will uphold this law? >> reporter: well, i think the white house is hopeful. i think they're also realistic. they listened to the court proceedings of last week. they know that the justices were quite skeptical of the legislation. having said that, i don't think you'll see this white house publicly really put on any other air other than confidence themselves won't talk about contingency plans. to do so would be to wave the white flag. so in terms of the public front that they're putting forth, hear a lot of confidence coming out
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of this white house. what was interesting though about what we just heard from the president, martin, i thought you heard president obama basically warn the justices that if they do overturn this health care legislation, that he would essentially view that as a political move. he said this is, should be upheld because it is constitutional. a number. constitutional scholars have reviewed this legislation, he said. so i thought that was an interesting comment that he made that he thought it necessary to insert that into his response to the question about the health care law. >> thanks so much. much more ahead. first, the cnbc market wrap. >> good afternoon. it's an upside down day on wall street, at least so far. here's a look at how stocks are shaping up as we head into the closing trading. the dow jones industrial average is up almost 58 points on the session. the s&p 500 is up 10 3/4 points.
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the nasdaq composite is strong. up almost 28 points on the trading session. that's it from cnbc. first in business worldwide. now of course, martin will be back in just a moment. [ male announcer ] if you believe the mayan calendar, on december 21st polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space. which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd, and you still need to retire. td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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we're live at rick santorum in osh kosh, wisconsin. literally fighting for his political fight in the republican nomination campaign. and the unseemly and seemingly endless fight appears to have damaged mitt romney's standing among female voters. according to a new poll from usa today and gallup, president obama has a commanding lead over romney. 34-36% among women in swing states from pennsylvania and ohio to florida and nevada. perhaps even more telling, when asked which candidates' views they agree with when it come to birth control, president obama wins overwhelmingly.
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the national press secretary for the 2012 campaign. >> thanks for having me. >> isn't this much more the result of republicans undermining themselves with women as opposed to the president doing anything in particular to attract female voters? >> after governor romney promised women's groups that he would reinvent the republican party into one that accepts choice. he said he would get rid of planned parenthood. he said that he supported the person hood amendment which would nget rid of some forms of birth control. >> his wife comes out and says that he is wonderful toward women and women have got nothing to fear from him. >> i think what you're seeing is a lack of trust among women voters. he made these commitments in
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massachusetts and he has taken extreme positions during the primary to contradict those positions. >> let's listen to mitt romney during a radio positions. >> let's listen to mitt romney as he talks about the supreme court. >> constitutional and i hope the supreme court will put a stake through its heart so we can get rid of this thing once and for all. >> the potential eradication of obama care shows how meager is obama's achievements. >> what's incredible is how far governor romney has come to this in the past six years. he agreed that we should take on rising health care costs, he said that his plan should serve as the national model. he put in there an individual responsibility provision to deal with the rising health care costs and now apparently he
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doesn't believe in any of those things and thinks that insurance companies should go back to writing their own rules, the president's got an incredible amount of accomplishments. we don't -- we were losing 70,000 jobs, we have created 32 million private sector jobs. we have had growth in the manufacturing sector, which is coming back after years of decline. >> but in the republican bubble, none of these facts have any meaning, they just don't reach anybody, do they? >> i can guarantee you that the facts are going to get out there during the general election, they might be unpleasant in the general election. >> the president went out of his way to perform this video aimed directly at planned parenthood. >> when some professional politicians say they will get
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rid of planned parenthood, don't forget what they're really talking about, getting rid of health care that millions of women rely on. >> he didn't need to do that, but he's obviously wooing female voters. >> there's incredible bipartisan support that provides life saving services to women like breast cancer screenings and this shouldn't be a part saisan issues. the president's been focused on creating jobs in the private sector. but whether we should limit women's rights to make their own health care decisions. it's incredible that that's the conversation that we're having in 2012. >> we'll be right back. i'm freaking out man.
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it's time now to clear the air and after months of what seems like a month-long street brawl, mitt romney is trying very hard to get the nomination for -- even before winning in november four years ago and throughout his tenure in the white house, several republicans have often allowed americans to question the authenticity of the president's christian faith. less than two weeks ago, during a question and answer session in louisiana, newt gingrich failed to correct a man who stood up and said this. >> i believe that obama is not stupid. i also believe that number one, he's a muslim.
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>> and at the beginning of the year, in florida, rick santorum's failure to provide a robust correction was even worse. >> she is an avowed muslim. and my question is why isn't something being done to get him out of our government? he has no legal right to be calling himself president. >> well, i'm doing my best to try to get him out of the government. >> that's shameful and cowardly response is even more remarkable given that mr. santorum has spent his whole campaign selling himself on the basis of his religious credentials. but mitt romney has been the die metric opposite. he has not wanted to -- in green bay, wisconsin, a young man tried to ask him about his mormon faith.
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>> in the mormon bible they say -- >> i'm sorry, we're just not going to have a discussion about religion. >> no, he wasn't. because the young man proceeded to ask romney about hiss faith and his inquiry was dismissed. and he knows that some people may be more apprehensive about mormons than muslims. shouldn't he answer the questions? what does mitt romney think of his religion's founder joseph smith who's been called a con man. what does mitt romney think of a religion that amasses archives of the dead. what does mitt romney think of joseph smith's assertion that
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christ's return on the earth will be on the western boundary of the state of the missouri. people can't be allowed to question the president's religious faith if they're not doing the same in their own. di dillon how was your weekend? >> i continue to repair my tired soul from the punishment. >> your throat sounds certainly better. >> do not ridicule your fence at work, or you will pay for it. listen, we'll start the show early. going to get to the park or something, it's nice outside. >> i have actually got a meeting upstairs, but i will try to get out sometime. thanks, dillon.